Saturday, January 25, 2014


PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk

Manager Marketing Strategic Planning
Purna Waktu/Paruh Waktu: Full-time    
Tempat Kerja: DKI Jakarta
Location : JakartaYOUR OPPORTUNITIESYOU are responsible to:
> Develop the long range strategic plan supporting marketing director in order to provide guidance to brand team and marketing departments
> Identify the new marketing initiatives in order to accelerate the short and long-term business growth
> Participate in brand and business planning process in order to provide analytical input and identify a more effective approach for brand management
> Conduct a regular market analysis to provide a business update to marketing management team> Coordinate with marketing budget team to develop budget proposal to ensure marketing plan is well capturedYOUR QUALIFICATIONS
> University Degree from any discipline
> Minimum 3 years experience in Marketing area with 1 year Brand Management experience or 2 years experience in Strategic Plan or Market Research
> Advanced English
> Advanced Microsoft Application (Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, Word)
> Adequate understanding business process across marketing function, brand management, marketing concept, and market research skillWHAT WE OFFERYou will join a market leader in the tobacco industry. We offer numerous on-the-job learning opportunities and structured career development designed to help you grow to your fullest potential. We offer competitive Compensation and Benefits programs to reward your performance and encourage further growth. You will work in a dynamic and fast paced work environment, where you can enjoy being part of a diverse and talented team. WHO WE ARE

PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (“Sampoerna”) is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia. We are the maker of some of the most well-known kretek (clove) cigarette brands. We are an affiliate of Philip Morris International Inc., the world’s leading international tobacco company. At the end of 2011, Sampoerna and its subsidiaries employed approximately 27.000 employees. Sampoerna sells and distributes cigarettes through 65 offices in Indonesia Kode Pekerjaan ID-02216

Marketing Strategic & Planning Analyst

Location : JakartaYOUR OPPORTUNITIESYOU are responsible to:
> Assist manager to identify any business opportunities as well as threat from competitors through holistic analysis from all available information (RTA, ICT, Volume, Pricing, Digital Conversation, Media Spending, Consumer Engagement Achievement, etc)
> Provide a solid analysis from all available information to support the development of long range strategic plan from both portfolio and marketing channel perspectives
> Prepare a solid analysis from all available information to support the identification of new marketing initiatives and react to competitors activities
> Actively contribute to the ongoing brand and business planning process by providing relevant analysis
> Coordinate with CIMI, Marketing Team (Brand & Fucntion), Sales Planning and Business Planning to prepare all supporting materials (i.e. ICT Data, RTA Data, Brand & CE Achievement, Sales Volume, and MC) in order to support the development of regular market analysis
> Work closely with CIMI, Sales Planning, Finance Planning (FPMR) and Business Planning to ensure timely delivery of regular information in order to prepare monthly marketing e-factbook
> Prepare all regular business update presentations to be reviewed and approved by direct supervisorYOUR QUALIFICATIONS> University Degree from any discipline
> Minimum 3 years experience in Marketing area with 1 year Brand Management experience or 2 years experience in Strategic Plan or Market Research
> Advanced English
> Advanced Microsoft Application (Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, Word)
> Adequate understanding business process across Marketing function, brand management, marketing concept and knowledge of market research skillWHAT WE OFFERYou will join a market leader in the tobacco industry. We offer numerous on-the-job learning opportunities and structured career development designed to help you grow to your fullest potential. We offer competitive Compensation and Benefits programs to reward your performance and encourage further growth. You will work in a dynamic and fast paced work environment, where you can enjoy being part of a diverse and talented team. WHO WE ARE
PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (“Sampoerna”) is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia. We are the maker of some of the most well-known kretek (clove) cigarette brands. We are an affiliate of Philip Morris International Inc., the world’s leading international tobacco company. At the end of 2011, Sampoerna and its subsidiaries employed approximately 27.000 employees. Sampoerna sells and distributes cigarettes through 65 offices in Indonesia


Tugas dan tanggung jawab:

Mengembangkan, mengimplementasikan, dan mengevaluasi metode pengadaan barang agar dapat meningkatkan efisiensi biaya yang dikeluarkan perusahaan Memilih dan mengevaluasi kinerja supplier secara berkala untuk mendapatkan supplier yang berkualitas (produk yang berkualitas dengan harga kompetitif dan pengiriman tepat waktu) Mengkoordinasikan semua aktivitas pengadaan barang yang dilakukan oleh team Purchasing agar dapat mencapai target kerja


    Pria/ wanita, maks. 40 tahun
    Pendidikan minimum S1 segala jurusan
    Pengalaman minimum 10 tahun di bidang General Purchasing
    Memiliki informasi jaringan supplier yang luas
    Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan negosiasi yang baik
    Detil dan memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
    Memiliki project management skills yang baik
    Mampu bekerjasama lintas departemen
    Kemampuan manajerial untuk mengatur dan memotivasi team Purchasing
    Untuk penempatan di kantor pusat yang berlokasi di Daan Mogot, Jakarta Barat.
kirim lamaran ke:

Sekrtaris/Costumer Service Staf Administrasi Supevisor Sekretaris Marketing Management Mechanical Engineering,

• Pria/wanita umur 31 tahun
• IPK min 2,75
• Salinan SKCK
• Berijazah D1,D3,S1/Surat Keterangan Lulus dari perguruan tinggi berakreditasi
• Sehat Jasmani & Rohani
• English Score dari Lembaga Terpercaya TOEFL: PBT (450)
• Salinan Surat bebas NAPZA (Narkotika, Psikotropika dan Zat Adiktif)
• Aktif berorganisasi & Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah operasi PT.VICO INDONESIA
Atau Alamat kantor:
Jl. Kutai Raya No. 1. Kota, : Bontang

Kelengakapan berkas lamaran :
1. Surat lamaran dan Daftar Riwayat Hidup.
2. Foto Copy ijazah dan transkrip
3. Fotokopi KTP.
4. No Tlpon / Hp.
5. Pasphoto ukuran 4 x 6 cm
kirim lamaran ke:
gaji: 10 juta - 13 juta

Public & Customer Relations / Communications / E.O.

We are currently looking for someone to work in a team of Customer Relations, Public Relations, Marketing Communication, Event Organization and also in other areas. This person will have the chance to grow in the company and develop a successful career!

Their task will be to keep a close relationship with customers as well as following up with former customers, in order to hear their concerns and suggestions to improve the company’s service.

They will also be responsible for introducing the company to new potential partners or investors and extend the company’s network while improving its reputation.

On top of this, they will maintain the company's social media, coordinate communication between the company’s branches across Indonesia and assist in the organization of events.

The people in this team will have to travel to other cities in Indonesia to visit other branches for a few days, with travel and accommodation expenses paid by the company.

- Female
- 18-30 years old
- Min. D1/2/3 or S1 (any field)
- Fluent in English
- Attractive (good posture, well presented, good looking, good communications skills)
- Able to work in central/south Jakarta
- No experience needed (training will be provided)
- Professional and responsible
- Can work independently and take initiative.

Salary and other allowances or bonuses will be negotiated in the interview.
kirim lamaran ke:

Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Menentukan dan mengukur kebutuhan pengembangan suatu komunitas dengan berfokus pada lingkungan sekitar operasional perusahaan.
Menggali dan memperdalam pengetahuan mengenai isu-isu penting CSR, khususnya dalam pengembangan lingkungan dan komunitas
Membuat perencanaan, pemeriksaan dan melaksanakan program CSR bersama dengan tim internal maupun eksternal
Memastikan pelaksanaan program dan menindaklanjuti masukkan bagi program tersebut berkaitan dengan pengembangan efektivitas program
Mengembangkan strategi dan pelaksanaan program CSR untuk meningkatkan reputasi perusahaan
Memperkuat pilar untuk menjangkau komunitas / lingkungan
Kualifikasi yang Dibutuhkan
Wanita, max. berusia 35 tahun
Pendidikan S1 dari segala jurusan
Mampu mengidentifikasi dan membuat strategi CSR
Memiliki pengalaman 3-5 tahun dalam bidang yang berkaitan dengan CSR – PR
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik untuk menjalin relasi dengan semua orang
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
Menguasai Bahasa Inggris (pasif dan aktif)
Apabila Anda tertarik dan memenuhi kriteria di atas, kirimkan CV Anda (lebih baik dalam format Adobe atau Word) dan foto terbaru disertai dengan posisi yang diinginkan dituliskan dalam kolom subjek email Anda ke:

Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Mempersiapkan dan mengembangkan konsep produk dan pemasaran terhadap produk makanan dari merek tertentu
Menciptakan dan menerapkan perencanaan dan strategi pemasaran untuk mendukung penciptaan brand image dan brand building
Memenangkan persaingan pasar, mengevaluasi dan menciptakan inovasi program untuk meningkatkan penjualan dari merek produk unggulan.
Merencanakan pengembangan dari strategi bisnis produk
Mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan strategi pemasaran produk
Membangun dan mejaga relasi hubungan dengan pihak-pihak terkait (pihak internal dan eksternal)
Kualifikasi yang Dibutuhkan
Pendidikan S1 segala jurusan
Pengalaman kerja min. 3 tahun sebagai Assistant Brand Manager atau 2 tahun sebagai Brand Manager di perusahaan produk konsumen (lebih disukai perusahaan produk makanan)
Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang pemasaran di dunia industri makanan
Berpikir secara konseptual dan memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
Informatif dan memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
Apabila Anda tertarik dan memenuhi kriteria di atas, kirimkan CV Anda (lebih baik dalam format Adobe atau Word) dan foto terbaru disertai dengan posisi yang diinginkan dituliskan dalam kolom subjek email Anda ke:

Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Menangani proyek dalam mengembangkan wilayah pasar yang baru
Membuat rencana strategis internal & eksternal untuk pengembangan market
Mempersiapkan dan memantau strategi harga
Melakukan koordinasi dengan departemen lain yang terkait untuk menjamin ketersediaan produk
Melaksanakan dan memonitor pelaksanaan penjualan / program pemasaran untuk memastikan pencapaian target penjualan
Memantau dan mengupdate perkembangan serta menjalankan program selain sales marketing
Kualifikasi yang Dibutuhkan
Usia 28-35 tahun
S1 segala jurusan
Pengalaman kerja min.5 tahun sebagai Regional Manager (lebih disukai perusahaan produk makanan)
Berpengalaman dalam menangani bisnis ekspor dan pengembangan ke negara-negara lain (ex : Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Myanmar, Taiwan)
Memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam komunikasi, interpersonal dan negoisasi
Memiliki kemampuan yang kuat dalam analisa
Memiliki kemampuan untuk memimpin & memantau secara efektif
Kemampuan komputer yang baik
Apabila Anda tertarik dan memenuhi kriteria di atas, kirimkan CV Anda (lebih baik dalam format Adobe atau Word) dan foto terbaru disertai dengan posisi yang diinginkan dituliskan dalam kolom subjek email Anda ke:

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab :
Melakukan review terhadap surat perjanjian dan kontrak
Melakukan review serta menganalisa semua dokumen resmi yang berkaitan dengan kepentingan perusahaan
Melakukan peninjauan terhadap aset perusahaan
Persyaratan :
Pendidikan S1 Hukum
Pengalaman kerja min 2 tahun
Memiliki pengetahuan yang memadai mengenai hukum
Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi interpersonal yang baik
Kemampuan bekerja secaara individu maupun secara tim
Menguasai Bahasa Inggris (pasif dan aktif)
Mampu mengoperasikan Ms. Office
Apabila Anda tertarik dan memenuhi kriteria di atas, kirimkan CV Anda (lebih baik dalam format Adobe atau Word) dan foto terbaru disertai dengan posisi yang diinginkan dituliskan dalam kolom subjek email Anda ke:

Deskripsi pekerjaan
Melakukan administrasi basis sesuai permintaan/ kebutuhan : client copies, transports, spool management/administration, batch management/administration, daily health checks, RFC connections and integration points lain antar SAP system.
Apply SAP Notes, Support Packages, Support Stacks, patches, dan upgrade komponen.
Melakukan monitoring configuration di SAP system dan database untuk SAP NetWeaver environments.
Melakukan proses monitoring dan tuning SAP, IBM DB2 instances dan database.
Melakukan troubleshooting dan analisa untuk basic problems dan issues.
Bekerja sama dengan tim aplikasi dalam melakukan troubleshooting dan analisa problem/ issues di SAP system.
Mempelajari issues yang dilaporkan, update teknologi, konfigurasi dan installation options di SAP Portal.
Membantu proses dokumentasi berdasarkan metode, pendekatan dan strategi yang disetujui terkait proses dan prosedur SAP Basis Administration.
Melakukan instalasi SAP instances (ECC, EP, PI, BI, Solution Manager, komponen NetWeaver).
Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan
Laki-laki / Perempuan usia ± 25 Tahun
S 1 Teknik Informatika
Pengalaman min. 3 Tahun
Menguasai pengetahuan mengenai SAP Basis
Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai server AS/400 (merupakan nilai tambah)
Apabila Anda tertarik dan memenuhi kriteria di atas, kirimkan CV Anda (lebih baik dalam format Adobe atau Word) dan foto terbaru disertai dengan posisi yang diinginkan dituliskan dalam kolom subjek email Anda ke:

Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Mengembangkan, mengelola, dan memelihara hubungan industrial yang kondusif dan iklim kerja yang positif antara pegawai dan perusahaan yang sesuai dengan Hukum dan peraturan
Merencanakan, mengembangkan, dan melakukan review terhadap SOP mengenai HRM
Bertanggung jawab atas administrasi kepegawaian termasuk gaji pegawai, cuti, izin sakitm biaya kesehatan, uang makan, dan transportasi
Bertanggung jawab atas General Affairs (keamanan, perawatan gedung, transportasi, asset perusahaan, dokumen legal untuk pekerja asing, dan sebagainya.)
Mengelola, mengkoordinasikan dan memonitor penilaian kinerja karyawan
Mengelola dan menyelesaikan proses perekrutan, pergerakan karyawan (promosi/ rotasi/transfer), pemutusan hubungan kerja dan pensiun
Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan
Pria, berusia antara 35-45 tahun
Pendidikan minimum S1 jurusan Hukum atau Psikologi
Pengalaman minimum 3 tahun sebagai HR Manager
Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
Memiliki berkomunikasi dan bernegoisasi yang baik
Memiliki kemampuan kemampuan memimipin yang baik
Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik mengenai hubungan industrial, HR, General Affairs, dan administrasi.

Apabila Anda tertarik dan memenuhi kriteria di atas, kirimkan CV Anda (lebih baik dalam format Adobe atau Word) dan foto terbaru disertai dengan posisi yang diinginkan dituliskan dalam kolom subjek email Anda ke:


Prepare and ensure all required equipments for new store and store remodeling are ready
Concern in buying process of tools, signage installation and/or recondition, delivery controlling and installation
Support new equipment design, equipment requirement/complaint from Stores or Distribution Center
Develop team
Bachelor Degree : Engineering (Civil or Architecture) with strong business background
5 years of working experience in project management capacity
Familiar with computer applications esp. Windows OS
Good negotiation and design skill
Excellent in English (written and spoken)
Menara Bidakara 2 Lt. 19

Creates the organizational capacity to deliver the Strategy, by concentrating on the availability of the workforce by
identifying vacancies and prioritizes critical jobs for staffing needs, and develops recruitment strategies to attract, screen, interview, and refer qualified candidates to the appropriate placement.
Bachelor/Masters degree: Psychology/Psychologist
Min. 3 years experience in Recruitment and Selection; with minimum 2 years in Supervisor level
Well known about Psychological Test process and creating psychological report
Communication skills (Written and verbal) with the ability to interact effectively at all levels of the organization; must be an exceptional listener
Conceptual and analytical thinking to have the comprehensive perspective, yet the details of the recruitment process
Must have the ability to organize and prioritize to meet deadlines
Must have a professional, enthusiastic, and approachable demeanor
The ability to handle multiple projects, priorities and problems simultaneously
Have a thorough knowledge of recruitment the key trends
Understanding of group process and team dynamics
Familiar with social media and applicants tracking systems preferred

Bachelor degree: any major
Working experience: at least 3-5 years experience in Training and Development field: developing training plan for any level, training modules development, training delivery and result evaluation
Strong knowledge in Competency Based Human Resources and Change Management Implementation
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Willing to travel (Mobile)

Bachelor Degree: any major
Working experience: at least 1-2 years in Human Resource field: selecting and recruiting internal talent (talent pool management) and people development
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Willing to travel (Mobile)

Working experience: at least 6-7 years in Human Resource field, HR consultant experience plus experienced in multinational companies
Experienced in strategic planning and execution. Knowledge of contracting, negotiating, and change management. Knowledge of organizational development theory and practices
Experienced in Compensation and Benefit design, development and implementation of salary administration plans and benefit programs
Experienced in examining and re-engineering operations and procedures, formulating policy, and developing and implementing new strategies and procedures
Strong knowledge in computerized information systems used in human resources applications
Work requires professional written and verbal communication (English, local language) and interpersonal skills. Able to produce quality materials within tight timeframes and simultaneously manage several projects
Knowledge of employment, wage and its implication on salary laws and regulations. Able to interpreting and advising on the application of laws
Work requires willingness to work a flexible schedule

Bachelor Degree: Psychology from reputable university with good academic result.
Working experience: at least 1-2 years in Human Resource field: Recruitment, Training, Personnel and Payroll
Good communication skill in English (spoken and written)
Willing to travel
Will be placed in Surabaya

Provides analytical and technical support to the Head of Human Resources system Management in pursuit of HR system initiatives and other HR system-related responsibilities
Maintaining quality and consistency of HR database information; ensuring personnel actions are in compliance with current HR policies and guidelines; providing HR System technical support to Human Resources and other staff; serving as liaison among HR and other areas
As part of the Human Resources team, this position also provides general Human Resources support as needed, such as budgeting, Performance Management
Bachelor Degree: any science major, experienced at Human Resource field is preferred
Advance in Microsoft Office (Mainly Excel, Word, Power Point)
Ability to demonstrate good analytical and problem solving
Self motivated and proactive

Develop and implement the group’s sustainability strategy locally in order to ensure that Super Indo continues to be recognized as a market leader
To assist in the development and implementation of programs to deliver business efficiencies and reduce carbon footprint – resource efficiency: reduced waste & energy, etc
Conduct research into the long-term sustainability performance of Super Indo to inform future design and delivery
To lead initiatives to improve Super Indo sustainability performance
Bachelor Degree: any major
Working experience: at least 3 years in managing sustainability/corporate responsibility program/project
Strong knowledge of sustainability and able to define and implement suitable programs
This role will require travel to Company premises and sites, as well as other organizations and locations as required by the job.

Bachelor Degree: any major, professional in communication qualification would be desirable
Experienced in developing and managing internal communications channels such as internal magazine.
Experienced in writing for a variety of audiences
Involvement in managing an intranet and team of intranet editors/contributors
Experience of video and design production also most desirable (familiar with InDesign, Adobe Photoshop and/or Illustrator and video making)
Excellent in English

Bachelor Degree: any major
Working experience: at least 1-2 years experience in analyzing system to achieve standard working procedure : creating, monitoring and controlling SOP implementation in warehouse
Good analytical thinking, numerical data and communication skill
Familiar with Ms. Office
Willing to be placed in Cikarang

Coordinate and execute all of the web and online activities, to support the marketing strategies in order to provide a personalized and seamless online customer experience.
Focus to maintain and enforce online content upload process, procedures, schedules and system support/maintenance.
Provide input and information to online associates in the marketing and merchandising departments, such as trends, update, competitors analysis, what’s in, what’s not and the opportunity.
Bachelor Degree : any major in the areas of marketing and communication or IT
Working experience: at least 3-5 years in the ongoing maintenance of a website content, focus on the marketing communication and business aspect of website management
3-5 years experience to work on multiple content providers (both data and creative) and management on validation and consolidate contents in scheduling
In depth experience working with content management system
Experience with e-commerce, online ordering and payment processing
A strong understanding of current marketing online and website management best practices
Strong coordination and planning, editorial writing, review and evaluation
Understand marketing promotion, general buying terms, general knowledge of e-commerce terminology, web analytical tools usage and general online business practice such as terms and condition, payment system, membership and online shopping functions.
Certified in E-Commerce is an advantage
Good command of English (spoken and written)

Work within Super Indo e-commerce capability team, supporting the e-commerce project and business functions
Responsible in defining requirements, creation of functional specification documents, assisting delivery throughout the development life cycle, the implementation, evaluate and provide recommendation for improvement, and acting as a functional subject matter expert for across our e-commerce ecosystem
Bachelor Degree: Information Technology (IT) or any related fields
Working experience: At least 2-3 years working experience in system analysis and design
Experienced in e-commerce development and solution. architecture background
Able to develop applications and configurations with functional skills, good understanding in business processes, able to efficiently trouble-shoot problems reported by users

Manage customer relationship using internet, web browsers and other electronic touch points.
Attract, maintain and enhancing customer relationships within the e-commerce websites in order to increase customer loyalty and customer retention by improving customer satisfaction.
Plan and determine the structure for eCRM data management, then to do mining/extract, study and report.
Develop and lead the strategic direction to support Super Indo online shopping email communication and mobile marketing. Develop all customer loyalty programs, including the targeting, execution, analysis and report as well as plan and develop the print / digital production of communication and promotion.
Manage project and vendors for all programs, executed through print advertising, editorial content, in-store signage, ad specialty items, sweepstakes, online, email and mobile marketing.
Bachelor degree: any major with any experience in related field
Working experience: at least 3-4 years in the marketing and communication
Has 1-2 years in category management/ pricing experience
Negotiation and partnering with 3rd party skills
Software skills (MS Office) and general knowledge of e-Commerce terminology
Creative and can translate business objective into marketing campaign and strategy
Familiar with legal agreement and government regulation on e-retail promotion and communication
Have a strong coordination skill and familiar with retail operation
Strong understanding of analytical, reporting, and database management
Good command of English (spoken and written)

Support e-commerce team and store operation including SOP, manual, order management, fulfillment & reporting systems in collaboration with related division. Principal outcomes include enhancement of the customer experience by ensuring order management systems are functioning and executed properly, escalations from customer service are handled appropriately and projects are managed according to schedule
Acts as the bridge between decision made in CSO to the execution excellence in the store level, for the making and review of manual, SOP, program implementation, training, system changes and improvement. Provide reports and evaluation in regular basis, for monitoring the implementation, define the comparable success rate, uses it to formulate feedback with suggestion for improvement.
Bachelor degree: Business Management or IT; any major with related field
Working experience: at least 2 years experience working in a multi-unit retail environment with e-commerce fulfillment systems or retail store management experience preferred
Able to model customer-focused behaviors leading to outstanding customer experiences
Good command of English (spoken and written)

Responsible to create conceptual design in a wide variety of graphic design projects from web? to print? to all media, direct response, branding, social media, news blasts, SEO and Google Analytics, articles, campaign, advertisements, website layouts, banners and other digital graphic elements
Bachelor degree : any major in related field
Working experience: 3 years of web design and development experience preferred.
Related experience within the advertising industry is preferable.
Knowledge and understanding of the education marketplace is an advantage
Good command of English (spoken and written)

Support e-commerce team and work closely with buying team and supplier to manage product category for online shopping and do regular maintenance of the product listing and set up non-grocery business.
Bachelor degree : MIPA, natural science or any related field
Working experience: at least 3-5 years as a buyer and/or category supervisor in retail industry and/or FMCG product executive
Experienced in a multi-unit retail environment with e-commerce fulfillment system or retail store management experience preferred.
Good command of English (spoken and written)

Develop a comprehensive online marketing, social media strategy and daily editorial to manage, implement, evaluate and grow Super Indo digital communities.
Conjunct with 3rd parties (media, banking, education institution, practitioner, other companies) for event placement or co-promotion on the social media.
Remain abreast of new techniques in regards to all aspects of social media and develops ways to implement them as well as to manage and implement SEO strategy for all online content.
Research, evaluate and recommend most effective methods of communication with target audiences.
Bachelor’s degree : Marketing and/or Communication major
Working experiences: at least 3-5 years in the ongoing maintenance of social media management and integration (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Foursquare, Pinterest, Youtube) and have deep knowledge with the features.
At least 3-5 years experience to work on multiple content providers (both data and creative) and management on validation and consolidate contents in scheduling.
A strong understanding of current marketing online and social media management best practices.
Able to handle news transition and alerts in multiple industries into social media content.
Strong coordination and planning, editorial writing, review and evaluation.
Understand marketing promotion, general buying terms, general knowledge of social media terminology, analytical tools usage and general social media practice.

Maintaining and creating continuous improvement for the processes of inventory control, quality assurance, operational accuracy audits, store claims, and food safety in the supply chain.
Cross functional communications within PT Lion Super Indo as well with vendors.
To ensure transparency of quality across supply chain operations guarding the levers of quality, temperature, cross contamination.
To supervisor others in the process and create continuity through cross training and development of the staff
Bachelors degree: any major
10 years experience in similar role of Quality Assurance (with 5 years experience with quality assurance of fruits and vegetables) or Logistics – 5 years experience in supervisory role and developing subordinates, and 2 years experience using a Warehouse Management System or Retail Inventory System
Good analytical skills for problem solving
Proficient in English (verbally and written)
Proficient in MS Word, MS Excel and PowerPoint

Bachelor Degree : Food Technology / Agriculture / Husbandry
Fresh graduates with experience are welcome to apply.
Max. 30 years old.
Strong knowledge about food safety, HACCP and GMP
Good analytical thinking
Good command of English (spoken and written)
Willing to travel (mobile), have driving license A and/or C
Excellent skill in Microsoft Excel and Power Point

Ensure system and processes are developed in alignment between departments and relevant functions, while incorporating improvements around processes and efficiency opportunities.
Bachelor Degree and/or Master Degree : Finance, Accounting, Business and/or Management, Industrial Engineering
Working experience : at least 3-5 years experience in related field
Strong knowledge & experience in management system, risk identification and risk management
Good command of English (spoken and written)
Please send your application letter, complete Curriculum V
Menara Bidakara 2 Lt. 19
Jl. Jendral Gatot Soebroto Kav. 71 - 73

LOWONGAN KERJA MANAGEMEN 2014 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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